Nora: Lead female roll, Nephilim
Vee: Nora's best friend, "Un-Twin"
Dorothea: Caretaker and Sub mom for Nora
Marcie Miller: School snob and more
Patch: Fallen Angel, falls for Nora
Rixon: Patch's best friend
Chauncey Langeais: The Nephilim vessel for Patch
Dabria: Angel, in love with Patch
Elliot: New guy, possibly involved in a murder
Jules: Nephilim and turns out to be someone else
Miss Greene: New school counselor, again someone else in disguise.
This book mainly revolves around Nora: Each male character seems to want one thing or another from her and she has a seriously hard time figuring things out. I have to say that for the most part, I like Nora but there are some moments when her attitude could use some improving. Through the first half of the book you have Nora trying to figure out who Patch is and what exactly he wants from her. She ends up in the middle of something that has been going on for centuries, having to trust Patch with her life, and figure out who is stalking her before she winds up dead.
The one thing about this book that I really liked and was the catalyst for me giving four stars was the twists in the book, along with a few surprises. I knew right away there was something funny about the characters Jules and Miss Greene. Finding out who she really was did not surprise me as much as finding out who Jules really was. Now having found interest in Hush Hush I am on to book two Crescendo!

Nora: Lead female roll, Nephilim
Vee: Nora's best friend, "Un-Twin"
Marcie Miller: School snob and more
Patch: Fallen Angel, falls for Nora
Rixon: Patch's best friend
Scott: Old playmate of Nora's
Hank Millar: Friend of Nora's father and actually (surprise)!
Sorry but I won't ruin that one
Again, we have Nora taking the lead. I have to say I could not stand her attitude in this book. She was very selfish, vengeful, and at a complete loss when it came to common sense. She reminds you of the damsel in distress but worse. At least in most other situations the damsel is capable of being mildly self reliant. Nora lacked the ability to do much of anything except occasionally run.
In this book we have Nora and Patch who have now broken up, thanks to Nora. Through most of the book she spends her time trying to make Patch jealous because he has been hanging out with her enemy Marci Miller. Come to find out he has been assigned to be Marcie's guardian angel now and the only way he can warn Nora about the coming drama is in her dreams. The end twists again with Hank Miller coming into the picture. There are a few answers to unanswered questions in this book and I will be moving on to the third.
I gave this book three stars because I liked it but I don't think I would want to read it again. Nora just ruins the book for me with her whiny, I'm five years old, attitude. I hope that improves in the next book.

Nora: Lead Female/Nephilim/Daughter of the Black Hand
Patch/Jev: Male Lead/Fallen Angel/In love with Nora
Vee: Nora's best friend
Marcie Miller: School snob and more
Scott: Friend to Nora/Former helper of the Black Hand
Hank Millar: Nora's Real Father/The Black Hand
Dabria: Fallen Angel/Has Visions/Psycho
Blakely: Nephilim/Hanks right hand
Gabe: Fallen Angel
Dominic: Fallen Angel Jeremiah: Fallen Angel
This is actually, so far, my favorite of the three. Nora having lost her memory seemed to find some common sense as well as a back bone. The book starts with her wondering the graveyard after losing all recollection of what has happened. She is then thrust into a world of lies all made up in the hopes of protecting her from her potential future and the harm it would entail. Once Patch helps clear things up a bit in her memory things start to speed up.
Nora, so far, is the only thing about these books I didn’t like. However, in this third book she seems to mature a bit. Maybe this was the writer’s intention, to have the character grow throughout the course of these books. It isn’t unheard of and I, for one, am thrilled to see the progress Nora has made. I very much enjoy this authors writing and her books. I am looking forward to the fourth and final book set to come out sometime in the fall of this year.
I rated this book three stars. I liked the book but it wasn’t one of those books that you want to keep reading over and over. Maybe in a couple of years I will read them again, just to refresh.
Review by Dani
Finale is the fourth and final book to this series
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